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Is It Worth Using a Planning Consultant?

Deciding whether it is worth hiring a planning consultant boils down to several factors. You should carefully assess your project’s complexity, how familiar you are with the planning system, and the potential benefits a planning consultant can offer. A good planning consultant will have expertise in navigating the intricate planning process, including local and national policies and regulations, so will be invaluable.

This specialist knowledge not only saves time but also reduces the risk of your application being rejected, both of which could save money in the long term. 

Reputable and experienced planning consultants will also provide tailored advice to ensure that your planning proposal aligns with planning requirements, significantly increasing the chances of success. 

Making an informed decision on whether to use a planning consultant can have a profound impact on the overall success of your project. 

Let’s take a closer look at why we think you should use a planning consultant.

Why use a planning consultant

1. A smoother planning application

Saving time in both the preparation of the planning application, and the process of consideration by the Council   is a key reason  why it’s worth hiring a planning consultant. They can manage the whole process from start to finish, meaning you get the time efficiency from an expert preparing documents, conducting feasibility studies, and coordinating with architects, surveyors, and the local authority 

It’s very probable you will save yourself time and effort, as you reduce delays that are likely to arise from incomplete or incorrect planning application submissions. 

A good planning consultant will have a comprehensive understanding of the planning system, meaning your project stands a better chance of progressing smoothly and quickly without unnecessary hurdles getting in the way.

Another reason why it would be worth using a planning consultant, and in particular Intelligent Land, is that  you can get planning advice to help you decide whether to make an  application. We pride ourselves on this approach whereby we will advise clients whether we believe the application will be successful or not, thereby saving them money and time by not submitting an application that is bound to be rejected. 

2. The project complexity

How intricate and complex the project is will also play a crucial role in deciding whether to hire a planning consultant and the value you place on their advice and support. For large, intricate, or potentially contentious projects, such as new residential developments or commercial initiatives, their expert knowledge will be invaluable. 

It’s worth using a planning consultant alone for this expert guidance, particularly when dealing with complex issues such as environmental impact assessments or heritage site regulations, helping you manage any unique challenges these projects involve.

An increased chance of success

The most obvious benefit to using a planning consultant is that  it should significantly increase the likelihood of your planning application being successful. A good planning consultant will make sure the application is well-prepared, professionally presented, and meets the necessary requirements. 

This expertise doesn’t just enhance the planning application quality but can also help to address any objections from local residents or stakeholders, thereby strengthening your case and improving your chances of securing planning permission. 

It’s also worth considering how a planning consultant’s insight could support a successful project outcome by identifying opportunities for early and effective community engagement, and approaches that could boost the project’s viability. 

They also play a key role in risk management, helping you avoid costly surprises. They will have a large network of professional contacts, including local architects , technical  and environmental specialists, so a planning consultant can facilitate smoother project execution and potentially ease the approval process.

3. Helping with the appeal process

If your planning application is refused, a planning consultant can help with the appeal process. They will draft appeal statements, represent you at hearings and help prepare a strong case for approval. They can look at resolving disputes with local authorities or neighbours, providing professional mediation and negotiation services that can get the project moving forward.

4. The cost benefit of using a planning consultant

You might think you could save money by not using a planning consultant, but the opposite could end up being true. Regardless, any possible cost saving should be weighed up against the potential benefits. 

While there are fees involved in hiring a planning consultant, these expenses can be justified if the consultant’s expertise increases the likelihood of obtaining planning permission. This is especially true for large or complex projects, where the investment in a planning consultant could quickly pay off by helping to avoid costly mistakes and reducing delays.

You should also consider the potential long-term savings and returns from effective planning you get from using a consultant. A well-executed strategy can lead to reduced risks and earlier consent, giving you a higher Return On Invesment (ROI). 

To conclude, whilst it does cost to use a planning consultant, we believe the pros far outweigh the cons, and we hope we’ve convinced you too. Using their expertise, efficiency, and ability to increase your chances of success often make their services worthwhile, particularly for complex or high-stakes projects. 

How can Intelligent Land help you?

We are a specialist team of planning consultants based on the south coast of England, working with clients in Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole, Dorset, Hampshire, Somerset, and Wiltshire. To speak to a specialist consultant, contact us today