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Can I Build an Annex Without Planning Permission?

Residential annexes, often referred to as ‘granny annexes’ are a common building development designed to provide independent living space for relatives while still keeping them close to the main household and family. An annexe is typically defined as a self-contained living space that is either attached to or separate from the main property, designed to provide additional accommodation while remaining ancillary to the main dwelling. 

It is these characteristics and usages of annexes that mean questions arise over planning permission. Here’s what you need to know if thinking about building an annexe without planning permission. 

Planning permission for an annexe

Annexes, by their nature, are built as living spaces, and living spaces usually need planning permission, but there are some exceptions. Here’s the bottom line:

Planning permission is generally required for annexes when:

  • Constructing a new detached annexe in a garden.
  • Building an annexe for a flat.

If you plan to build a new dwelling, not attached to the main property, and it will be used as a new independent dwelling and living space, you will need planning permission and should speak to a professional planning consultant

When planning permission is not needed for an annexe

You might not need planning permission for an annexe if you are converting an existing outbuilding, such as a garage, into ancillary accommodation – provided it remains part of the main dwelling and is not self-contained (e.g., it lacks kitchen or cooking facilities). 

You also might not need planning permission for an annexe if it is already attached to the main building as it might fall into the category of ‘permitted development rights’. But it must remain dependent on the main house in some way, such as sharing utilities or access.

Some granny annexes may qualify under ‘permitted development’ rights and not require planning permission. However, planning laws in this area are complex, and requirements vary depending on specific circumstances. 

To determine whether planning permission is needed, applicants should consult a planning specialist.

Do you need help with planning permission for an annexe?

If you need help with a building and development project, from an annexe to a completely new build, and are concerned about planning permission, please talk to us.

We integrate this planning advice with financial insights, allowing you to see the profit implications of each option. Land Value Optimisation (LVO) is a talent that runs through our entire team, with each member trained in our unique and proven approach. We are skilled in managing the often complex process, ensuring the most profitable solution is obtained for you.

We successfully manage planning applications (new and existing), designs that comply with local planning policies and schemes as well as Planning Inquiries and Appeals. We provide expert input and submissions to local and central government strategic plans and schemes, public consultations and political engagement. Our planners are adept at creating great places to live, work and play.

Intelligent Land is based on the south coast, and can advise on projects across Dorset, Hampshire, and Wiltshire.